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Look here for some handy diagrams and useful articles.

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Skill Videos

Check out the skills videos we've been working on! We hope these help you with your techniques for EMS and OSCEs. We've also included other videos we've found helpful. Let us know what else you'd like to see!


Past CEVS Talks

If you are a Cambridge student or otherwise someone with a Raven account, you can find recordings of our past CEVS talk in this section.

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Look the part on EMS with our amazing stash! Shop our range over at Beewear and look out for new items and our bulk order in Michaelmas term!

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The British Equestrian Veterinary Association provides great support to everyone in the profession. Visit their website to sign up for FREE student membership and access their amazing range of resources. Contact us or one of our BEVA reps for more information.

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